This list of people and companies that I have collected along the way are just a few of those that are part of the Red Wave. They are here because I either use their products in my work, or I know them thus love them, or I know their work to be of service to what it is that I share.
WeMoon re-useable pad
The Red Web Foundation of Menstrual Education.
Kami McBride- Moon Cards and More!
Vagifresh (third row down) Recommended for yeast infections, discharges, fibroids, cysts, urinary tract infections, inflammation and infertility. Cleanse the entire reproductive system leaving it healthy, strong and fresh.
Mama Mara wonderful herbal tea's for all aspects of womanhood.
The Waratah Project, the work of Lara Owe, Jane Bennet, Jane Hardwicke Collings, myself and many more as we work towards changing the experience of menstruation and menopause in Australia. Auspiced by the Dougdale Trust, a national version of the Victorian Women's Trust. Currently without a web presence, this will change, stay in touch for further details.
The Blessed work of Jane Hardwicke Collings: Moonsong is a website for women, during all phases of their lives, and is about reclaiming feminine power through reconnection with the women's mysteries. Brand new website.
The awesome Jane Bennett's website.
The incredible Lara Owen's website.
The Goddess Timeline website.
The ART of Living Gently
Over the many years of serving the work within me I have been blessed by incredible artists.
The CD Cover art, that which I call the Temple of the Blood, was gifted to me by the AWE inspiring artist,
Helena Unique Ambrosia her website and access to all manner of beauty to be found here
The teaching tools that I work with are created by Kathleen Agius and her work is not on the internet.
I am eternally grateful for these dear sisters, their love, support and awesome gifts!

BLOOD ARTISTS: Those that have made concious choices to create from, for and about the menstrual cycle, offering up to our collective minds and hearts a window into such an intimate realm. Often inspiring us to create our own blood art!
Rupi Kaur is a spoken word poet based in Toronto, Ontario.