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HERSTORY: Her's and Mine. 



Since 1995 I have been journeying a road less traveled. I began my dive into the well of womanhood with the Keeper (since then the silicone MoonCup has become available). A menstrual cup that allowed me for the first time to 'see' my blood. From then I have had the fever, the burning desire to know what the menstrual experience is for.


Why do we bleed? what is the bigger design?Why do so many women experience pain? Surely that's not intentional? Why do some women not have pain? What is the PMS all about?


I began Biologically, I studied the ancients, I went deeply into my own experience and learned to 'bleed well'. Then women I knew began to ask me to teach them, to share the jewels of the knowing I had found for myself.


In 1999 I attended my first Euphoria, a public pagan gathering, and the venue for my first ever class. There were 20 women. We opened and we leaped into the deep well within each of us, within the earth. During that first course I found something of myself that truly wished to speak, out loud, about the intrinsic power within the menstrual cycle. I took the women of this class on a visualised journey, and from there, "The Temple of the Blood" Menstrual meditation CD was conceived. 


Each year that followed, that I attended, offered me the further opportunity to share what I knew. Each year I would go away encouraged that women were interested in a deeper part of being woman, questing for the inner beauty of being woman, the core places of power within the self. My work grew. 


I left the edges of the city to live on my mothers farm for three and a half years. Sinking deeply into the earth and the moons passage across the sky. Here I found the steady base to birth the CD and further work. From there, I lived for two years with 4 other women in "the Goddesses Temple" a magnificent temple/home in Monbulk. This is where the deeper jewels in profound service were uncovered. StarFire was born. With the constant devoution to the possibility of 'being' woman held by all of us, we supported each other in the 'work' of anchoring the tools and pracitices that assist a woman, any woman, with the art of being whole woman. 


From 2008-2011 I studied business and maintained my blood practices whilst travelling the more mainstream states of being. What I have learned is that there is no where I go, emotionally, mentally or physically that any woman can't travel. Thus, it's time to bring this fringe dwelling wisdom gained, to the places where most women live. 


There are no degree's in Menstrual Education, YET , but I do have a certificate in Natural Fertility Awareness that enables me to support a woman's education of her cycle that she may have another option outside of the chemical one. What I have learned has come from the surrender of each cycle that I make to the soft whispers of my soul, the depths of the well, the core of the fire, the heat of the lodge, and the freedom I give my voice. 


As of 2012 I have now returned and living at my Mother's farm, as I am her full time carer. This will effect how much I can travel, but we are making a lot of room for people to come here and share in the love, as well as exploring as much digital offering as we can. 


My current offerings continue to develop as StarFire becomes a digital offering. There is so much there I have been building over these years and I know that they will translate to that very personal place alone in front of your computer.  BUT, there will definitely always be a circle you can join me in. Whether the Banshee workings, or the Earth Lodge, maybe even a lovely long week stay at the farm as we create a Baba Yaga/Vasalisa doll! 


I know I am delivering something that you may never of considered possible, or even necessary, but really in a world where our cycle is considered either a medical condition to be medicated out of existence or a nuisance that is best ignored or even reduced to a useless part of being a woman, especially if you're not having babies, I am here to tell you that there is SO MUCH MORE to our cycle than anyone is willing to say out loud. Within the cycle there is an anchor of self, a tool for emotional responsibility, a practice of presence, and access to a natural state of power and wisdom. 


Please, consider the work possible for you. Start with the articles, the CD, contact me, get on the Newsletter, then if you can, work towards the StarFire experience, maybe even make it out here to the Farm for a stay! There is not much out there in the world that will empower you to these levels of sense of self and support from the inside out, encouraging a Freedom that we all deserve. 


Blessings of the Blood to you, for there are so very many!


Katherine Cunningham. 

This is my Tattoo. I use it as a barometer, it shows me who is

open to this work and who is closed, mostly by their initial 

body response, sink in or recoil. So, I ask you, what do you feel?

Beauty that you can sink into, or Fear to recoil from? If you find

Beauty, then please access the work, and if you find fear, please

ask yourself what there is to be afraid of here... for there are no

accidents in thought, you are here, please question where that

fear has come from and access this work. Tis my offering to you!

I created this "Loving Herstory" collage of image for a photo shoot my then partner (Shane of Liquidlight Photography) and I created for my artefacts. The book that is shown here is written by the Awesome Jane Hardwicke Collings and can be downloaded for free from here. Please have a deep look at her work, so much goodness. We will be using this womanifesto as the core of the walls of Our Womb Temple, as we create space for Herstory to be told in image, in our creations upon the walls. 

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