To Open and Trust.
A Story, a fable of Love, an epic of Birth. May we find this place, between us as mother father child, more and more sacred as we grow in love.
Women that open and trust to their bodies, are women that find deeper pleasure and power in the birth process. Men that open and trust to their own power within, find their place in the birth process too. When Men share their strength, in love and support, both woman and child can be safe, growing freely…. Then…we ALL get to live the life of love we are capable of.
The incredible art that has held our sight as the words held our thoughts, was created by the awesomeness that is Belinda Rogers, http://www.thedreamingseed.com/artist-bio/ is her and her work.
A six month journey into the honesty of your body and the power of your combined fertility.
Mapping of your loving landscape, to understand what it could mean to open to a child.
Part One of Introduction.
Part Two of Introduction.
Part Three of Introduction.
Full Introduction.
For the FULL PROSPECTUS... Please click here!

Meeting fortnightly for six months face to face, or weekly online. Starting with tools that will be built upon during these six months, integral to the power collected along the way. We invite you to purchase a journal for each other, to hold all the extra goodness that unfolds alongside of your cycle recorded. Both women and men have hormones, and rarely do we collate their combined effect.
The first sessions are about these hormones, their cycles and rhythms, their experience, their effect, the language we can use to describe them to each other, perhaps firstly to ourselves, for if we have no language for the sensations, rarely can we communicate about them. It is like developing the palette. When we know how to sense that flavour, we know how to name that sensation, or perhaps it is the other way around.

An honouring of our sexual history, a honesty of being that allows for us to find the depth of authenticity we often quest for, but sometimes fail to begin with the stories we have told ourselves.
By building a representation of our sexual heritage, from childhood, to the now. We can feel into what is in need of healing, releasing, exploring, understanding and developing. Rare is the opportunity to delve into these places, softly held by each others honest gaze, and an non-judgemental environment.

From this grounded state of what is, we move forward to what we have brought with us to the relationship. Mother line work, Father line work, for both of us is important. So too is knowing the "in-laws" as the extension of parents in our lives, a deeper understanding of our spouse.
We take the bounty of these proceeding weeks into an important embodiment ritual of the sacred marriage of our own inner masculine, inner feminine. As we turn and embrace these owned aspects of self, we dissolve the need to project upon our spouse the need to be anything than who they are, no longer bound by our definition of other, just deeply seen for self.
This new landscape that has such freshness to it can incite a brand new access of skin. Being this deeply safe in our sexual states allows for a place of building solo and combined sexual practices that enhance the very fabric of our being in the world.

From these new found levels of wisdom, body ownership and incredible power building tools, there is the opportunity to choose deeply the desire to have a child. Or Not. To rest in the decision that we don't want to have children, secure in the journey that brought us to this decision, allows for a core re-frame of the trajectory of our lives. Building the path to the place where we can return to this decision each time we ovulate, strengthens our life force, as we truly choose.
By the end of the six months, there will be an incredible collection of documents that you have co-created that will serve deeply the journey of your fertility. If indeed you find yourself in any kind of IVF journey, this work will only serve to strengthen you both in the intensity you may encounter.

For the FULL PROSPECTUS... Please click here!
To begin the process of application please
fill in the following form to establish whether this work is for you.
This is a real investment of time and energy as well as financially, so being confident we can work together will assure us both that our resources are respected.
Please subscribe to the mailing list for Preconception Exploration. There is a lot of information to get your head, heart and partnership around and this is a continuing evolving process. Stay in touch with that will keep arriving to this offering.